
【請大家用力推廣吧,寫信給他們請他們改成 Taiwan, Taipei;不要再寫什麼鬼 Chinese, Taipei 了!!!信的範本在下面,歡迎自取。】




網頁開了之後,從左邊最大圖片「VOTE NOW FOR THE NEW 7 WONDERS OF NATURE」用力再給它點下去。

接下來的頁面,會看到一幅世界地圖,要你選擇欲投票或觀看的地理區域。所以點亞洲 (ASIA) 這一塊。graphic.jpg 

再來,此次將世界自然奇景按照特性及景觀作分類,而玉山當然歸在山(MOUNTAINS/ VOLCANOES)這一類,左邊是小縮圖,旁邊有註明國家。我興沖沖的將卷軸往下拉,要看我們的玉山到底被拍的多美,然後,我找了好久都找不到 TAIWAN 這一個…就在我來來回回搜尋,終於看到 YU SHAN,旁邊寫的是…… CHINESE TAIPEI。嘖嘖。再點進去,照片真的很美,而旁邊偌大的標題寫著--


Yu Shan           


Yu Shan, part of Yu Shan National Park, is a central mountain range in Chinese Taipei and it also the name of the highest point of the range. It is also called Jade Mountain and its height is 3,952 m above sea level. The park is also known for its diverse wildlife and ecology. The environment around Yu Shan itself spans from sub-tropical forests at its base to alpine conditions at its peak.


(連結: 可看美麗的玉山照片)


最下面就可以開始點入投玉山一票了 (Vote Now for YU SHAN)     

必須先註冊成為會員後,才能投票,也是防止灌水。我開始填資料註冊,一直到國別這項,我又找不到TAIWAN了……啊?我不能投嗎不能投嗎?又來回找了好久,才看到有一選項是 CHINESE TAIPEI



現今世界各大網站如 YAHOO! GOOGLE 及各大搜尋網站,不論是要註冊或登記什麼的,只要有國別這一項,TAIWAN 一定都是單獨成立的,很簡單也很容易。而這個 NEW 7 WONDERS,竟然還把台灣附屬在中國之下~如果玉山真的入選了新世界七大自然奇景,但是發行全世界的書或圖文上仍然這樣介紹:YU SHAN, CHINESE TAIPEI??

我寧願它介紹的是 YU SHAN, TAIWAN!!!


我點開了這個網頁最下方的「TELL US」,寫了封信給他們,表達我的立場和想法,希望他們能跟從世界潮流,尊重並視台灣為一獨立個體。內容如下:


To whom it may concern,

I am very glad to know that Yu Shan has been nominated for the New 7 Wonders, since it is in my country, Taiwan However, I am disappointed to learn that you marked our country as Chinese Taipei, not Taiwan. I can not even find Taiwan in your country list while I tended to register as a member. It is quite surprising, when big sites such as Yahoo! and Google and most international websites already divided Taiwan as an independent category in their lists.

To be honest, even if Yu Shan has won and be one of the new 7 wonders, Taiwanese would not be too happy if the denomination is Chinese Taipei, as in our recognition that Taiwan is an Independent Country.

So I am writing this email to express my thoughts, in hope that Taiwan will also be respected and treated as an Independent country by you, while most big sites have done that already.

I do not intend to offense, yet I appreciate and admire your hard work and appreciation. Thank you very much for your time and understanding



xxx/ Taiwan, Taipei





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