今天收到德國客戶的一封信,不知道為什麼,看完覺得他很可愛,同時心裡有股暖流~~啊不是說其他的客戶都很機車啦,別誤會 XD
Dear Nikki.
How are you today? I hope you doing well.
I am doing good so far.
My reason to write you this email is quite simple. A short look to our delivery schedule shows me a there has been a delivery of 200k multi wafer from you on the 12th of July. Another short look to my calendar shows me that today is the 14th of July. That brings me up to my short question to you. Did you ship out this quantity of multi wafers last Monday? If so, could you please send me the shipping documents (invoice, packing list and FCR or air waybill)? That would be very kind and strongly helpful for us.
Thank you for your support.
Best regards
Marco K.
妳今天好嗎? 希望一切安好。
我寫這封信給妳的原因很簡單。我瞥到我們的交貨時程上,顯示你們7/12 應該要出一筆 200Kpcs 的貨。
我再快速瞥了一眼我的行事曆,今天是 7/14。這讓我有個小小的問題:你們在週一有出這筆貨了嗎?
如果有,可否請妳把出貨文件 (發票、包裝明細、承運人收據或空運提單) email 給我?您真好,這對我們將有非常大的幫助。
Marco K. 敬上
很可愛的一封信,雖然不是什麼稱讚你工作做的很好或感謝你的服務之類的內容,但是這麼有禮貌,而且用字遣詞還帶著小小的幽默的客人不多見。最近幾天工作量繁雜、很煩只想 take something light,靠這種客戶給的短短的、溫馨的信,可以讓整天心情保持好一些~~