Thursday, May 14, 2009 7:40 PM

I like you to do the logistic cost analysis for different terms in our xxxxx purchasing or trading deal today. ( Show me your analysis result and comments by end of the office hour tomorrow )  

Fill up the cost per kg of xxxxx purchasing by using the actual historical data in expense record.


Thuesday, May 12, 2009 4:52 PM

Can you try to make an xxx market survey report at tomorrow's management review meeting!
As you already made a preliminary and outline of xxx market initiatives yesterday, you may need to address more in the opportunities and
potential customers. Market competitiveness and business model proposal can be discussed later if you can not make it this time.


Thursday, May 07, 2009 7:39 PM

Try to work on US xxx market survey, I like to see a preliminary report (PowerPoint) of US xxx market at sales meeting next Monday. 
Attached file is a helpful material of US market survey from Axxxx for your reference.

新老闆愛三不五時就丟個功課給我,每天早上一打開電腦常被炸的眼冒金星,所以只要看到他署名的信件,就會想又要怎麼接招了。這陣子一直在跟時間賽跑,想在最短的時間內吞下許多大力丸,然後成為變形金剛 XD  離開前一個工作才沒多久,都還沒時間感傷,每天就被接踵而至的工作和會議給占滿~嚇不倒我的,等我克服了這個領域,我就可以好好迎接我的夏天了!! <------ 好像沒什麼關聯性




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